• Is your price competitive or cheap?

    Our pricing is determined by your order quantity and specific requirements. While we prioritize quality and customer service, we cannot guarantee the lowest price.If you are open to adjustments, we can work to accommodate your budget.

  • I couldn't find the products on your website. Would it be possible for you to assist us in sourcing?

    Yes certainly.If the items are not listed on our website, please feel free to email us the product details along with images. We will promptly respond to let you know if we can assist you with your request.

  • Are Your Products Manufactured in Australia?

    No, all our products are sourced from overseas and imported to Australia.

  • Do You Maintain a Showroom/Warehouse in Australia?

    Yes, our showroom is situated in Parramatta City in Sydney. Kindly be aware that showroom visits are by appointment only.

  • Where is Your Company Based?

    Our company is based in Sydney, Australia, and we have a dedicated overseas team responsible for sourcing all our products.

  • How Can I Place an Order?

    To place an order, please email us with the details of your product requirements and desired quantity. We will then provide you with a quote. If necessary, we can arrange for the delivery of samples or offer mockup services to confirm all details before proceeding with your order.

  • What is Your Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?

    Our product range varies, so the MOQ depends on your specific product requirements. Some products may have a minimum order quantity as low as a few hundred units, while others may have higher MOQs. We encourage you to contact us via email to discuss your specific needs further.

  • What is Your Production Lead Time?

    The production lead time is influenced by your order quantity and specific printing needs. it is important to consider that shipping logistics could be impacted by variables such as peak seasons or unforeseen circumstances. therefore, we suggest allocating sufficient time for your order to ensure timely delivery.

  • Can I Request a Sample?

    Yes, we can arrange for samples. Depending on your products, there may be a cost for samples as well as freight charges. Additionally, we welcome you to visit our showroom (by appointment only) to inspect the products in person.

  • Is it Possible to Create Mockups of Our Products with Labels?

    Yes, we can create mockups of your products once all the details are confirmed. The mockup fee varies based on the specifics of your products. Furthermore, we offer a 50% refund or credit of the mockup fee when you proceed to place an order.